
  • Company
  • Company
  • Company
  • Company
  • Company
  • Company
  • Company

GPTRACK50 is a game software development company wholly funded by NetEase Games. We are dedicated to creating console games for the global market and pioneering the creation of captivating new entertainment IP.

※ As of Jun. 1, 2024

Name GPTRACK50 Inc.
Location Kawaramachi Square Building 6F, 2-5-8 Kawaramachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0048, Japan
Representative President Hiroyuki Kobayashi
Established Oct. 01, 2022
Business Description
  • Planning, development, production, sales, operation and management of computer games, online games, mobile contents, etc.
  • Planning, development, production, sales, operation and management of digital entertainment, etc.